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Advanced Data Analytics with AWS

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 04:34
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Advanced Data Analytics with AWSНазвание: Advanced Data Analytics with AWS: Explore Data Analysis Concepts in the Cloud to Gain Meaningful Insights and Build Robust Data Engineering Workflows Across Diverse Data Sources
Автор: Jоsерh Соnlеу
Издательство: Orange Education Pvt Ltd, AVA
Год: 2024
Страниц: 354
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

Master the Fundamentals of Data Analytics at Scale. Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of data analytics with AWS with this practical and incisive handbook. Begin your exploration with an insightful introduction to the fundamentals of data analytics, setting the stage for your AWS adventure. The book then covers collecting data efficiently and effectively on AWS, laying the groundwork for insightful analysis. It will dive deep into processing data, uncovering invaluable techniques to harness the full potential of your datasets. The book will equip you with advanced data analysis skills, unlocking the ability to discern complex patterns and insights. It covers additional use cases for data analysis on AWS, from predictive modeling to sentiment analysis, expanding your analytical horizons. AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL service that makes it simple and cost-effective to categorize your data, clean it, enrich it, and move it reliably between various data stores. One of the keys to Glue’s processing power is a data processing framework called Apache Spark. Spark is a powerful tool designed to handle Big Data - think of it as a supercharged engine for processing vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently. This book is ideal for aspiring data engineers, analysts, and data scientists seeking to deepen their understanding and practical skills in data engineering, data transformation, visualization, and advanced analytics. It is also beneficial for professionals and students looking to leverage AWS services for their data-related tasks.

Pandas Workout: 200 exercises to make you a stronger data analyst (Final Release)

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 03:57
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Pandas Workout: 200 exercises to make you a stronger data analyst (Final Release)Название: Pandas Workout: 200 exercises to make you a stronger data analyst (Final Release)
Автор: Rеuvеn М. Lеrnеr
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 442
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 14.3 MB

Practice makes perfect Pandas. Work out your Pandas skills against dozens of real-world challenges, each carefully designed to build an intuitive knowledge of essential Pandas tasks. Discover 50 exercises that will strengthen your Pandas skills to a level of automatic fluency. You’ll test yourself against common pandas challenges such as data cleaning, and explore real-world datasets such as New York Taxis, Kickstarter projects, and global tourist spending. Detailed explanations help guide your success and make your new skills stick. You’ll even get a big boost to productivity, with tasks that used to mean a trip to StackOverflow now a natural part of your skillset. Pandas approaches problems differently than Python. The syntax is the same, but the data structures are different, and the way you structure your solutions is also different. Pandas is so vast that it’s easy to lose track of all the techniques. And unlike the core Python language, which tries to adhere to the maxim “There should be only one way to do it,” there are often many ways to accomplish the same task in Pandas. Knowing which of these ways is fastest to execute and easiest to maintain isn’t always obvious, even (or especially) if you’re an experienced Python developer.

Cryptocurrency Guide for Newcomers: Your guide to the world of digital money

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 03:25
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Cryptocurrency Guide for Newcomers: Your guide to the world of digital moneyНазвание: Cryptocurrency Guide for Newcomers: Your guide to the world of digital money
Автор: Gаbоr Lаszlо Наjbа
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-12-19
Страниц: 161
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.3 MB

Ever wondered what the hype is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies but never understood the terms? This book is for you where I tell you everything you need to know in layman terms. This book is a gentle introduction to cryptocurrencies. I will give you a bit of history, talk about Bitcoin and alt-coins -- everything in a clear and understandable way as if you'd be one of my family members asking about crypto during Christmas dinner. Cryptocurrency, in its simplest form, is a digital or virtual form of currency that utilizes cryptography for secure and decentralized transactions. Unlike traditional fiat currencies issued by governments, cryptocurrencies operate independently of any central authority, such as a central bank. This decentralized nature is one of the fundamental characteristics that sets cryptocurrency apart. Since the introduction of Bitcoin, numerous other cryptocurrencies, often referred to as altcoins (alternative coins), have emerged. Some notable examples include Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. Each cryptocurrency has its own unique features, use cases, and underlying technology.

Build AI-Enhanced Audio Plugins with C++

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 02:50
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Build AI-Enhanced Audio Plugins with C++Название: Build AI-Enhanced Audio Plugins with C++
Автор: Маtthеw Jоhn Yее-King
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2024
Страниц: 362
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 18.2 MB

Build AI-Enhanced Audio Plugins with C++ explains how to embed Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology inside tools that can be used by audio and music professionals, through worked examples using Python, C++ and audio APIs which demonstrate how to combine technologies to produce professional, AI-enhanced creative tools. The first aim of this book is to show you how to build AI-enhanced music software. But I will take a different approach to many other AI and signal processing books. I have carefully developed this approach to solve specific problems and to address particular challenges you will face as a developer of AI-enhanced music software. My second aim is to show you how to construct the technology in a way that makes it accessible to musicians and audio professionals. Knowing how to build and run AI-enhanced music systems on your machine is one thing. A quirky Python script hacked together to work on your setup is acceptable for research and experimentation but you will have trouble getting musicians to use it. If you are a student programmer at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, you will find new knowledge in all areas of the book. You might be assigned all or part of this book as a textbook for a course you are studying, or you might have discovered the book independently. The book will teach you some C++ programming along the way, as well as helping you to understand how to use an IDE and associated tools to develop software. If you are a Machine Learning engineer or AI scientist wishing to apply your skills in the music software domain, the book will help you do that. You will be familiar with the concepts of machine learning models, training and inference, but you will likely need to become more familiar with digital signal processing techniques. As a Machine Learning engineer, you likely work primarily in Python or a specialised language. The book covers some Python but is mainly focused on C++ programming.

Gradle Goodness Notebook: Experience Gradle through code snippets

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 01:58
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Gradle Goodness Notebook: Experience Gradle through code snippetsНазвание: Gradle Goodness Notebook: Experience Gradle through code snippets
Автор: Нubеrt А. Кlеin Ikkink
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2024-03-23
Страниц: 274
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Learn more about Gradle features with code snippets and short articles. The articles and code will get you started quickly and will give more insight in Gradle. When I started to learn about Gradle I wrote done little code snippets with features of Gradle I found interesting. To access my notes from different locations I wrote the snippets with a short explanation in a blog: Messages from mrhaki. I labeled the post as Gradle Goodness, because I thought this is good stuff, and that is how the Gradle Goodness series began. The blog posts turned out to be a useful resource for people learning and using Groovy in their every day programming. The Gradle Goodness Notebook contains the blog posts about Gradle previously mentioned on my blog. The posts have been edited slightly so they can be used for the book. The book gives a broad overview of all the great features we can find in the Gradle build tool.

«Для молодої родини»: Друзям завжди раді. На кожний смак

Автор: TTT22 от Сегодня, 00:09
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«Для молодої родини»: Друзям завжди раді. На кожний смакНазвание: Друзям завжди раді / На кожний смак
Автор: Вахніна Л.М. / М. І. Глазова
Серия: «Для молодої родини»
Изд-во: К.: «Техніка»
Год: 1979
Формат: pdf/djvu
К-во стр.: 64+104
Размер: 48,29 Мб
Язык: українська

Друзям завжди раді:
У книзі розповідається про підготовку і проведення родинних свят. Наводяться рекомендації щодо сервірування святкового столу, вибору меню, вміння розподілити час на приготування обраних страв, порядку їх подавання.

На кожний смак:
У книжці подано практичні поради-«секрети» щодо приготування їжі. Особливу увагу приділено збереженню поживних властивостей продуктів під час їх обробки. Значне місце займаюсь рецепти різноманітних страв з риби, м'яса, грибів, овочів, а також страв святкових і таких, які можна приготувати за годину.

Model Engineers' Workshop №339 May 2024

Автор: Kendy от Вчера, 22:00
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Model Engineers' Workshop №339 May 2024Название: Model Engineers' Workshop №339 May 2024
Издательство: MyTimeMedia
Страниц: 68
Качество: хорошее
Формат: PDF
Размер: 50,2 MB
Язык: английский

Model Engineers' Workshop is the ideal workshop companion for all hobby engineers. Model Engineers' Workshop shines a spotlight on the tools and techniques used by model makers, light engineers, restorers and customisers and those who like making and modding their own tools. You'll find readers' tips, reviews of workshop equipment as well as articles on restoring old tools and making your own as well as the latest new technologies, techniques and materials.

The Guardian Weekly Vol.210 №17 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 21:09
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The Guardian Weekly Vol.210 №17 2024Название: The Guardian Weekly Vol.210 №17 26,April 2024
Издательство: Guardian News & Media Limited
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 64
Размер: 62,3 MB
Язык: English

The Guardian Weekly magazine is a round-up of the world news, opinion and long reads that have shaped the week. Inside, the past seven days' most memorable stories are reframed with striking photography and insightful companion pieces, all handpicked from The Guardian and The Observer.
Журнал Guardian Weekly — это сводка мировых новостей, мнений и длинных чтений, которые повлияли на ход недели. Внутри самые запоминающиеся истории последних семи дней переосмыслены яркими фотографиями и проницательными сопутствующими статьями, тщательно отобранными из The Guardian и The Observer.

American Farmhouse Style №3 (June/July 2024)

Автор: Kendy от Вчера, 21:01
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American Farmhouse Style №3 (June/July 2024)Название: American Farmhouse Style №3 (June/July 2024)
Издательство: Engaged Media LLC
Качество: отличное, HQ
Страниц: 116
Формат: PDF
Размер: 111 MB
Язык: английский

American Farmhouse Style содержит советы, проекты DIY и великолепные фотографии, которые подчеркивают самое лучшее из жизни на ферме. Фермерский стиль имеет древние корни, и сегодня он стал одним из самых популярных стилей для домашнего декора. Ориентация на ремонт, DIY и переработанные товары делает его идеальным стилем как для опытных, так и для любителей домовладельцев, а универсальность стиля позволяет легко интегрировать его с другими стилями декора.
American Farmhouse Style is the ultimate resource for open, welcoming farmhouse décor and architecture. From the clean modern farmhouse to the rustic farm cottage and country estate weekend getaway, farmhouse-style homes have bright interiors, aspirational layouts, family-friendly function and loads of charm.

Apple Magazine №652 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 20:50
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Apple Magazine №652 2024Название: Apple Magazine №652 26,April 2024
Издатель: Ivan Castilho de Almeida
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 188
Размер: 88,9 MB
Язык: English

Apple Magazine is a weekly publication packed with news, iTunes and Apps reviews, interviews and original articles on anything and everything Apple. Apple Magazine brings a new concept of light, intelligent, innovative reading to your fingertips; with a global view of Apple and its influence on our lives - be it leisure activities, family or work-collaborative projects.
Apple Magazine — это еженедельное издание, наполненное новостями, обзорами iTunes и приложений, интервью и оригинальными статьями обо всем, что связано с Apple. Apple Magazine предлагает новую концепцию легкого, интеллектуального, инновационного чтения; с глобальным взглядом на Apple и ее влияние на нашу жизнь — будь то отдых, семья или работа и совместные проекты.

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